Elaine Roberts

Elaine Roberts loves anything creative but her main love is writing. For many years Elaine had a dream to write for a living. Thanks to her family, who encouraged that dream she had her first book, The Foyles Bookshop Girls, published when she was sixty two years old. Six more novels have followed, with the latest Foyles Bookshop Girls novel being published at the end of February 2024.

Elaine is an army child, born in Cyprus, and then living in various locations in Britain before returning to Cyprus and Germany.

She joined a creative writing class, The Write Place, in 2012 and shortly afterwards had her first short story published. She was thrilled when many more followed and started to believe in herself.

As a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and The Society of Women Writers & Journalists, Elaine attends many conferences, workshops, seminars and wonderful parties. Meeting other writers gives her encouragement, finding most face similar problems.

Elaine and her late husband, Dave, have five children who have flown the nest. Home is in North West Kent and is always busy with their children, grandchildren, grand dogs and cats visiting. Without her wonderful family and supportive friends, she knows the dream would never have been realised.


  • Historical Fiction
  • Romance
  • Sagas


The Foyles Bookshop Girls